Thursday, July 29, 2010

An Afterthought?

And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet
~ Genesis 2:18

So I know that I am not a second class citizen...but what in the world is a help meet?  It sure sounds I was God's afterthought.

However, I got to thinking about this and to my All Knowing God, I don't think there is any such thing as an afterthought.  God knew as He was creating Adam that something was missing.  He knew that  another part of the equation was needed, someone with beauty and strength to compliment man's rough edges.

He knew all of this beforehand, yet did not create man and woman at the same time.  I think God was giving us a chance to see just what it would be like without woman...and it was not good!

I have to admit that I am familiar with this tactic.  I have often used it with my own children.  For example, when one if my children does not want to leave the toy aisle in a store when it is time to go, I simply say "okay then, I will see you later!" and step around the corner.  It does not take very long for my child to realize that standing in the toy aisle alone and without the protection of Momma is not good at all.  I will then hear a wail and the patter of little feet as he rushes around the corner to find me only a few yards away.

Now I never intended to leave him in the store.  I never even got far enough that he was out of my sight, but I definitely got the point across that things are better with Momma by your side than without.  I think it is the same way with God.  He created woman second, not as an afterthought; but so that we could see that life was better with woman than without.

Thinking about it in this context, I am so glad to know that I was no after-thought. God doesn't make mistakes but He also sometimes doesn't let us in on His master plan. He alone sees the finished life that is  planned for each of us while we have to remember that every day in our lives is a lesson from Him.

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